Friday, May 22, 2009

5+ months

Here she is again - in all her glory!  Lots of new tricks now: spitting (my favorite... Not!), jumping, and laughing with the good 'ol baby belly giggle.  Nothing better.  She is just growing and growing.  She is almost sitting up on her own - she can hang now for about 30-40 seconds at a time before toppling over.  She is really close to crawling - starting to do this scooting thing until she figures out how to coordinate all of the various appendages involved.  Zella is definitely a little gymnast in the crib, tumbling all over during the night.  She definitely prefers to sleep on her side or her stomach, which gives us hope that her bald spot will grow back over fairly soon (now, if only my bald spot would grow back over).  Lots and lots of fun (with a few meltdowns thrown in daily just to keep it interesting.  Enjoy!

Ah... a moment of peace with Busy Bee.  

Can you back it up just an inch or so, Poppy.  Kind of in my space here.

On our evening walk.  Gotta keep a low profile because of all the paparazzi hiding in the bushes around our hood.

Check out my new ride!  Sweet, huh?  Courtesy of Nana K.

You here to check out my mad bouncing skills?

Jealous much?


Bring it down...

Snuggling with Lucy.  She's a little crazy, but she's alright.  She's the only dog around here who doesn't run when I try to play with her.

My Sporty Spice look.

Hanging with Honey.

You talkin' to me?  Please... no autographs while I'm with my family.

This star was born, not made.

My new "trick" that my Daddy just "loves!"

I am very cute here - you just might want to turn away during the last 5-10 seconds if you have a weak stomach. Hey... I'm doing the best I can here.

Now THIS is living. My favorite playtime activity.

My first real belly laugh. Poppy's sinus troubles are pretty dang funny. Guess you had to be there.

Pills in a bottle?!? OMG - that is THE funniest things I have ever seen or heard!

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