Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Almost 7 Months

Oh my gosh - please forgive the tardiness in posting new pictures.  And these are a even a little bit old now.  I'll try to post some new ones in the next couple of days.  As you can see, Zella has been enjoying the pool.  The pictures below are from her first dip in the cool waters (yes, even though it has almost literally been as hot as hell here in Austin, the pool was a little cool when we took her in the first time).  She loves the water, whether she is being held or is being pulled around in her little boat.  We've also been testing out the various restaurant high chairs when we go out to eat, now that she is doing better with sitting up on her own.  She is still a little small for them and slides around quite a bit, but she is always gung-ho about the attempts.

Yeah, check me out, people.  Awesome swimsuit furnished by Aunt Michelle.

This is going on the cover of the SI Swimsuit issue, right?

Just chillaxin' in the cool waters with Poppy.  By the way, where is my hat?

Now how do you steer this crazy vessel?  Oh, wait... I'll try using my mouth - that's pretty much my go-to strategy with everything these days.

Ok, ok... if you say so.  But I'm not convinced my hands are going to be any better at this...

Hey, Daddy... come on in the pool.  

Ahh... a little shade in my boat.

Out of that stinkin' car seat and sitting upright like a big girl.  Check me out!

Slide those fries my way, Chief.  Baby needs a little meat on these bones.

Aww, a family photo.  Did you say you want me to sit still?  Yeah, right.  Keep dreaming, Daddies.

My latest ride, courtesy of Nana D.  Colorful & functional!  How many cup holders does this thing have?

The best way to end a day - food coma!

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