Well, Zella has been quite the world traveler lately. Hmm, perhaps calling her quite the Central-American traveler would be more accurate. We took Zella to Costa Rica last week, worried that she might not do well traveling at her age, but she was such a champ. The plane ride was fairly easy since she was able to get up after we took off (unlike the car, where she still doesn't understand why she needs to be strapped down the whole ride) and she was easy-going about the places we stayed as well. She had a little difficulty staying asleep the first few nights in a strange place, getting scared when she would wake up and crying out, but other than that she received an A for international travel. Below are some pictures from before the trip and then pictures of her on the trip.
Just playing around in my room with Daddy. I'm not touching the stereo speaker, I promise! Here, let me just see the camera for a second. I promise I won't break it. Umm... perched on the edge of deep ravine? Is the really the safest place for an 8-month old child? Just asking... Enjoying lunch in Costa Rica! Can you see my cheeks glow when I put the flashlight in my mouth? My daddies forgot my hat - and, thus, this dirty thing that is too big for my head. Thanks, Guys. Shopping in Manuel Antonio. Everything is so colorful! You're going to feed me what? Hmm... yucca? Tastes like mashed potatoes to me. Hanging with Aunt Erin on the cerro (big hill/small mountain). Finally! Playing in the sand! Yes, Nana K, it's sand. Black sand. Not mud or muck... just sand. Well, that's what my daddies have promised me. Getting dirty... and loving it. What? Do I have some on my face? Seriously, does life get any better than this? Poppy holding me in my pretty Costa Rican dress (notice the matching binkie... or is it "binky?"). Aunt Erin was with us on the whole trip. Well, I am exhausted! Too much sand, sun, & fun.